
“This cohesive group of poems renders for the reader the dual nature of memory, so often equal parts gain and pain. But despite the tension inherent in the act of reflecting, what is preserved can indeed sustain us, as these moving poems aptly demonstrate.”

–Scottie Priesmeyer, author of The Cheaters: The Walter Scott Murder

Pillars of Salt is an honest and often stark accounting of the past: “I too now know the risks involved in looking back,’ the speaker admits at the end of “Ice Storm,” the opening poem to the collection. And that “looking back” is one part reference to the book’s title and one part admission of guilt – that perhaps we’re all guilty of dwelling too often on the events that have landed us here in the present. Instead of coming up empty though, Pillars of Salt gives its readers a tight-knit group of poems to take with them into the future, drawing something physical and immediate out of an otherwise intangible past.”

–Travis Mossotti, author of About the Dead

Every poem in this book is a story, and every story is a memory or tribute to a life examined, laid bare and eloquently dissected and measured with an emotional depth that takes years to develop and perfect. Norris taught college English and writing, and it shows in her use of language and line breaks. They take the reader on a calculated trip through which we stop and start at pivotal points, and allow us a moment to see and feel life through a magnifying lens.

–Mary Horner, author of Strengthen Your Nonfiction Writing

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